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Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day. Our weather has just been great to day. There was a little breeze, so it didn't feel hot. But tonight there is a nice cool breeze. I wish that this weather weather would stay forever, but no such luck, I know those hot and humid days are coming. I have been working on a birthday invite for a friend. I can't believe that there little girl is going to be a year old in June. Boy does the time go by so fast. I will share with the invite, as soon as I get the rest of the information to add to it, but then again I might show you what I have come up with so far. I wish that I had more time to spend on the computer, but after work, there are days I just don't want to turn on the computer, after working on it all day. Well I really could come up with more to blog about, but its getting late and I have work in the morning. So until we meet again. Have a great evening.