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Monday, April 20, 2009
Hello I hope that everyone had a great weekend and a great Monday. I cleaned the closets and got rid of a-lot of stuff that we did not need. As you can guess I was off from work as they cut my hours once again. But I am thankful that I have a job. I know that there are a-lot of people who don't. So most of my day was cleaning. I did get to work on some long waited videos that I wanted to work on done today I still have one more that I need to finish. But I will try finishing that one up this weekend. Our weather started out nice, but then we ended up with a storm, although we didn't get much rain, which we still can use. I am not sure when they are calling for more rain. Saturday we went with a friend to ride horses, which was a-lot of fun. Hopefully we can go again soon. I have some photos to share with you. So I will leave you with those now.