Hot and Very Humid
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Hello all sorry I haven't post in a while, but with the accident and trying to get the other insurance to pay for the damage of my car, and back in forth to the doctors 3 times a week, and work being quite busy, which I am glad for, when I get home I want nothing to do with the computer. Well here it is Sunday and I thought I would drop a quick post to let you all know we are doing well. Our weather has been very hot and humid the last couple of days. The rain has stopped but in some places they could still use some more. I have also been busy with preparing our 4th year anniversary celebration at our church which is coming up on Sunday, June 7th. I have sent out the invitations to those I had addresses to and handle out ones at Church on Sundays, for the last past Sundays. Well lets see my car still is fixed, and at this rate my insurance will have to pick up the cost, as the owner of the other vehicle says the person who was driving the car, was not covered, but the vehicle was, so we have a lawyer and he is handling it for us. So I guess I am going to close and down load some photos that I took at church today, to finish up the power point presentation that I am working on for the celebration that will be viewed by all. So until next time may God be with you and God Bless you all.