Fall La La La La
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Let the season begin. Some one ask me to day what is a blog and why do you do it? So my answer was its a place you can share friends and family information and for the anwser why do I do, it. I like to create and this is a creat place to do that. So now this girl wants me to show her how and where she can do this. So I guess I have another project to do. LOL. I also have been asked to help out with a brownie troop. I am really thinking about doing this, it sounds like alot of fun, and they have to do things to get their badages, and I remember when I was in girl scouts as a little child it was so exciting to earn another badage, so this is an option that I am really thinking about doing. You know me I have to do crafts. We had a rain storm today, which we needed the rain. I am such a procrastinator, I know I have alot to do and I just wait to do them. urrg. Tonight I have been busy with paying bills on line, its renewal for my health insurance at work, so I had to renew that, then there is so much more that I am trying to get finish before turning in, hopefully I will get them all done tonight. Oh well if I don't there is always tomorrow. Tomorrow our business is very busy, the fax was ringing of the hook tonight with pickups from the airport. Thats great news for us, as the business has been pretty slow. Oh just remember I have to go on line and check the business e-mail. Oh another thing todo before turning in. lol So I guess this is my sign to sign of from the posting for tonight and get those other things done.
