I am Back
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Hello and Welcome, Its been away since my last post. And this time I have a good excuse. Sunday, Father's Day my computer crashed. So I have spent the last 3 days working with hp and getting it up and running again. Boy what did I do before I had a computer. I sure did miss it these last couple of days, but at last its fixed and running well. I still have a few more programs to install, but I think I'll wait on that for a couple of more days. So once again I have lost pictures and some scrap pages that I had finished, but I can always make more and now I have learned to save my stuff after I have finished them, and I bought a flash drive to save on also. So I have learned my lesson save everything on a disc or a flash drive. lol. I have alot that I want to blog about but I have some more things that I need to get done before turning in to night, so it wil have to wait until later this weekend. So I leave you for tonight.
May the angels watch over you all.
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At 2:49 PM, Blogger Barb

what is a flash drive?