Its Time To Start
Saturday, December 02, 2006
And what might that be, well its time to start decorating for the holidays. My living room floor looks like a tornado hit it. lol I have plastic containers every where. I have the village all set up in the three spots that it is going this year. Now I have to run the cords and set up the blanket of snow, and all the embellishments, that go with it. I can't believe how many houses I have and half of it is still packed, as I am not putting it all out this year, as there is not much room this year. Oh well I still have alot of it out. My Christmas cards are just about done, just finshing up the last step and I hope to have some out in the mail on Monday. I still have so much to do, but I should be able to get it all done in plenty of time to spare. Well this is just a quick update, as I haven't updated in a while. So I have to tear my self away from this computer and continue on all that is left to do. So until later my bloggin friends and family I will see you all here again soon.