Hola Mi Amiga and Familia
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Hope all is well with you all. All is well here, can't believe that its Thursday, already, where did this week go. I guess I have been so busy this week, that I just track of time. I have been working on the web site for the Pastor's Daughter I have it up and running and she is giving me information that they need in the page. I for one will be glad when its all finished. I have also been reloading music into my IPOD. I got the I-Home for Christmas, and for some reason my IPOD keeps freezing when I put it on the loading dock of it. So I have restored my IPOD from day one. So far it seems to be working on the I-Home. But now I have very few songs on it, so I have been sitting here at night downloading the songs to it again. What a pain it has become. Oh well I need my music lol. I have also been designing a spreadsheet for our business to keep track of what we have done so far this year. I am using a data base program called Microsoft access, so far I am not liking the program, so I may change to another program that I have. I have also been looking in to changing my page for the spring look, as I am getting tired of the winter blues. But that will have to wait until the weekend for that project. Well I know I could go on here for hours and hours, but I won't bore you all that much. So I will leave with a few pictures of the cards that I have made, one is a thank you card that I also made. Well maybe not, it keeps telling me blogger is unavailable right now, I will try again later.
Okay thats it for pictures, I will had more here tomorrow.