Bye Bye Rain
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Last night we had alot of rain, thunder and lightening. And we even had tornado watches. So it has passed us and now its breaking in all the cold weather. Which I will take any day. Although its has passed us, North Carolina wasn't so lucky, some parts had tornados and alot of damage. Jose has a cousin that lives there and we can't get a hold of her. I pray that her and her family are okay, and nothing has happened. We will keep trying to get ahold of her. So lets see if we are really going to get the cold weather, like they are saying. I would love to have this weather next week, like on Thursday, then it would really feel like Thanksgiving. But I know that the holidays are coming, I found eggnog out already, and yes I even bought some. I only buy the small containers, as Jose doesn't like it. I am going to sign off for now, as I have a mirgrane, and I am going to take the medicine, and will update more late. I will leave with a few center piece photos, that I have created for the kitchen table, and since blogger last night wouldn't let me post them, I will try again tonight. So see you all later.