Tuesday, July 25, 2006
I should be packing, and getting ready for our vacation. But I have been playin with photo shop. It is working now, that my computer is fixed. I will show you what I was doing in a second. I hope that you all had a great Tuesday. Mine was hetic as I have alot to do at work and home before going on vacation. I have started packing, and have gotten the cameras and camcorder packed in my backpack to carry on to the plan, tomorrow, I will finish the packing and what ever else is needed to be done. I also have to print out our tickets as I am trying the e-tickets with this airlines that I am using this time. It is the first for this air line. Its called Jet Blue. All who I have talked to say its a great airline, so time will tell. Well I am going to leave you with what I was playing with, hope you all like it.

Please let me know how I did, its my first picture of my self and done in black & white.