Brrrrrrrr It's Cold Here
Friday, February 16, 2007
Okay, I know I live in Florida, buts what's up with this weather. Its cold here and tomorrow supposed to be colder Like in the 30's. But thats okay, we don't get a-lot of cold weather so I guess a couple of days won't be that bad. I can wear some sweaters for a change. I hope that you all had a good week, as mine went by fast. I have so much that I need and want to get done, but there doesn't seem like there's enough time to get it all done. The to do list is getting longer by the minute. Well I am going to finish the book that I am reading, as I want to return in on Tuesday and get a couple of new ones from the Library. So its off to read. Oh I have included some photos of the construction that is beginning. I will keep you all posted on this as it comes along.